I'm Miguel Ricaño, and I create solutions.




MVP website focused on the latest sustainability articles. HTML5, CSS3, and Bulma for the front-end, and Ruby, Ruby on Rails for the back-end, as well as PostgresSQL for the DB.

IK Store

IK sustainable is a fashion brand, I built their eCommerce in Liquid on Shopify. I designed the template and all the SEO, and create the apps for the website.

Private Events

Fully functional event website in which users can attend other user's events. I used Ruby on Rails, Ruby, PostgresSQL for the back-end and HTML5, and Bulma for the front-end.


I used OpenWeather API to display the temp and conditions of the weather of the desired city. Javascript and Bulma were the tools selected for the front-end as well as webpack.


Miguel Ricaño

Once a business entrepreneur and business broker, now a full-stack developer who loves to find simple solutions to complex problems.

I've been developing digital products and business with a lot of teams for the last eleven years, so not only can I understand solutions from a business perspective, but I can also now develop solutions from a technical perspective: the best of both worlds.
I’m a team player--I know that the progress of a project can only be achieved if all the people involved work harmonically, but I can also front solo projects without hesitating.

Clean code and user experience are a must for me, fluent in multiple languages, frameworks, and technologies, and capable of ramping up quickly and efficiently.


  • Ruby
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Javascript ES6
  • Kotlin


  • Ruby on Rails
  • Bootstrap
  • Bulma
  • Liquid
  • React/Redux


  • Git
  • PostgresSQL
  • Github
  • Heroku
  • TDD
  • Responsive
  • Rspec
  • Remote Pair-Programming


Heart hands

I'm always interested in hearing about new projects, so if you'd like to chat, please get in touch

Miguel Ricaño